🔹 A giant THANK YOU those who donated to the Festival of Trees campaign. The “Winter Dreamland” tree and a few additional gifts were auctioned off for a staggering amount of almost $8,000. The department’s donation was incredibly successful, racking up more than 60 bids. Thank you for your donations (which reached a total of approximately $1,800).
Thank you for your generosity, and thank you to the Festival of Trees Committee for their time and preparation. Proceeds will go directly to patient care at Primary Children’s Medical Center.
🔹 This month, you are invited to join in the Santa Step up Challenge, a PEHP sponsored health challenge that allows you to track all of your physical activity, in exchange for rewards. You can click here to officially register or track informally using your own calendar and conversion chart. By officially tracking your steps (or any physical activity) you will be entered to win prizes. Or, just track on your own, at your leisure, any way you would like to keep your health in check over the busy and often stressful holiday season.
🔹 If you’d like to prepare for the new year by taking a look at other challenges taking place in
2022, here is a list of other PEHP sponsored activities. (available as a pdf here)