The division I work in is…
I have worked at Commerce for…
I have worked at Commerce as an Administrative Assistant for the Division of Securities and currently as the Communication and Outreach Specialist for the the Division of Securities.
At Commerce, my job is…
My job is a wide variety of simple to complex communications and outreach functions to support the division’s projects and programs. Our goal is to enhance public outreach, investor knowledge and community engagement activities. I manage the Division’s social media, create educational presentations about our purpose, and ensure effective, consistent communication in the division’s messaging.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
The Department of Commerce always gives me the opportunity to learn while on the job. I work with great people and I’m sure the experience will guide my future career choices while opening many opportunities.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
I like working in my division because of the team environment and I’ve learned a lot by collaborating with my coworkers. One of my favorite aspects is that I have the opportunity to learn from those in senior positions. I doubt I would have had access to them and their knowledge in regular circumstances. Plus the Division of Securities ROCKS!
During my workday I could not live without….
During my workday I could not live without music and snacks. I like to listen to metal music and prefer salty snacks over sweet.
Outside of the office I like to…
I like to read and cook. I like different cusines but Cuban is my favorite. Roadtrips to national parks and facetime my baby nephew as much as possible.
My superpower is…
My superpower is being trilingual (Spanish, English, and Portuguese). I can communicate with people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. It also improves memory because mastering a language requires memorizing expressions, vocabulary, and idioms.