The division I work in is…
Utah Division of Real Estate
I have worked at Commerce for...
I have worked for the Division of Real Estate for 4 and a half years. Prior to moving to Utah, I sold Real Estate in Wyoming for about 4 years while also practicing massage therapy.
At Commerce, my job is…
I am a licensing specialist for the Real Estate side of the Division. We provide customer service to around 30k agents/brokers/companies and process all paperwork for new licensees/companies, company changes, license renewals, etc.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
The best thing about working for the Department of Commerce are my coworkers. Teleworking has changed the office dynamic but it’s great to see everyone when we can, such a great group of hardworking people.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
I have professionally grown working in my division simply by dealing with such a high volume of calls and work every single day. Implementing new requirements and working through system issues, while providing the best customer service to our licensees.
During my workday I could not live without….
During my workday I could not live without my coffee, my dogs when home and music playing anytime I am not on the phone.
Outside of the office I like to…
Outside of the office I like to golf in the summer and snowboard in the winter– Perfect Utah Activities. Really anything outside involving my two mini Australian Shepherds.
My superpower is…
My superpower is the ability to see light in any situation and always trying to stay positive. So many things get thrown our way that are completely out of our control and reacting with positivity and grace is definitely a superpower in this unknown world.