As an executive branch agency, the Department of Commerce represents the Governor in the work we do – and we should dress appropriately for that work. Our dress code helps deliver a message of professionalism and respect to those we serve. Outlined below is a reminder of what Commerce dress code expectations include.
Business Casual attire is appropriate for most employers in their day-to-day work at Commerce. While opinions vary on what constitutes business casual – please avoid dressing too casual. Avoid wearing T-shirts, shorts, jeans, or jean-style pants (regardless of color).
Business Formal dress is expected in some Commerce positions. When representing the agency in a formal work setting – please dress appropriately for these circumstances. If you are unsure if you should be dressed in business formal attire – please check with your supervisor.
Casual Dress Friday allows for informal attire but must continue to meet dress code expectations which include no shorts, tank tops, and mid-drifts – among other things.
The complete Employee Code of Conduct can be found on the Commerce Intranet under the policies section. In it there is a more detailed look at all expectations for appropriate attire related to your position at Commerce.
For any further questions or guidance please speak with your supervisor.