The division I work in is…
Division of Corporations and Commercial Code
I have worked at Commerce for…
5 years
At Commerce, my job is…
Office Specialist II , Lead over our awesome Phone Team. We take calls for the Division of Corporations in providing friendly Customer Service to the public as they call with questions or needing help with filings or navigating our website.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
My awesome co-workers! They are amazing! We work as a great team in our different departments. We provide excellent and reliable information to the public in Corporation and Commercial Code filings in representing the great State of Utah.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
When I was hired I had no idea what or who the Division of Corporations was. I started on phones. I moved to the Front Counter on the 2nd floor and then to the Front Counter on the 1st floor. I have recently been made a Lead to the phone team. I love working for and now know Corporations backwards and forward!
During my workday I could not live without….
CANDY!!! I always have bowls of candy at my desk for visitors. But.. I keep the good stuff in my desk drawer for emergencies to get through the day!
Outside of the office I like to…
My husband of almost 44 years is retiring so looking forward to traveling and time with our 4 Children and 3 teenage grandchildren with all of their sports and activities. We just returned from a fun trip to Disneyworld with them and looking forward to more great adventures!
My superpower is…
So I asked my 3 grandchildren this question and here are their answers. 1. Super Speed which is a joke I am very slow 2. Power to pull whatever I want out of my pockets 3. Food comes out of my hands. Interesting what comes out of the mouths of teenagers!!