May 15, 2023
Healthy Utah will be at the Heber Wells Building on June 28th from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm. You can sign up for your testing here. Sign-up by June 26.
You must have PEHP as your primary medical insurance to qualify.
What happens during an appointment
During your appointment you will receive cholesterol and glucose testing, body composition analysis, blood pressure measurement, and a consultation with a health specialist, all free of charge for qualified employees and eligible spouses.
Before your appointment
- Fast for at least 4 hours before your appointment (recommended but not required). However, you may drink water (only).
- Come hydrated to your appointment.
- Refrain from exercise at least 3 hours before being tested.
- Wear a short-sleeve shirt for blood pressure testing.
Visit for more information.